1. Voucher can be used only once.
2. A single voucher can be used for an entire table. Multiple guests at the same table can enjoy the same deal on the same day using just one voucher for the whole group.
3. For All-You-Can-Eat deals, all patrons at the table must participate in the same All-You-Can-Eat deal, and only one voucher is required for the entire table to avail of the offer.
4. Voucher claims must be presented to the waiter upon arrival, before placing an order.
5. Failure to mention the voucher claim at this time will result in ineligibility for refunds or balance adjustments.
6. Voucher valid for dine-in only.
7. Voucher value to be used all at once.
8. Total value of the voucher will be deducted from the total bill.
9. No refund or balance to be paid to the holder.
10. This voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or vouchers.
11. 15% Public holiday surcharges will apply.
12. Not available on special days. *
13. Deals are subject to change at any time without prior notice at our discretion.
14. All deals are subject to product availability and stock levels. Due to high demand, deals may sell out.
15. All deals have a maximum limit of 6 people per table. Larger groups require prior approval - please contact us to request approval for groups exceeding this limit.
Make your Mondays special with our Surf 'n' Turf Special at Elements Brasserie in Belmore. For just $29, enjoy a juicy sirloin steak served with parmesan mascarpone potato puree and two perfectly chargrilled prawns. It’s the ultimate combination of land and sea flavors, crafted to elevate your dining experience.
Choose one of our weekly specials, claim your voucher and make a reservation at Elements Brasserie restaurant in Belmore.